About Me

Welcome to Anahata Holistic Healing, I’m so glad you’re here. 

My name is Shehera Mocellin and I am a heart-centered holistic healer who is here to help you grow and evolve into the wonderful human being you were always meant to be. I can guide you towards living your life with the full vitality and joy that is your birthright. 


A couple of decades and diversions later, I found myself hearing the call  of service again. This time it didn’t come as a whisper, but as a scream, loud, noisy and disruptive. I began to experience health issues due to hormone imbalances, depression, anxiety, weight gain and a lack of self-esteem that brought me to my knees and led me to reevaluate my life.

In retrospect, I see I was lucky. My body was smarter than I was and it was going off like a wild alarm as a wake up call to follow my heart. By being forced to take care of my symptoms, I had to completely change my lifestyle and find connection to my power once again. I learned to be more intuitive about what my body was asking for and to listen to the call of my heart.

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